Ternyata ada kata "stupidity" dalam bahasa inggris.
Menurut Wikipedia:
Stupidity is the quality or condition of being stupid, or lacking intelligence, as opposed to being merely ignorant or uneducated. This quality can be attributed to both an individual (e.g. Penny Person is stupid) or a person's actions, words or beliefs (e.g., Penny Person's policies are stupid). The term can thus also refer to poor use of judgement, or insensitivity to nuances in a person who is otherwise intelligent. The determination of who is stupid is relatively difficult, despite attempts to measure intelligence (and thus stupidity) such as IQ tests. The adjective is also used as a general pejorative (e.g. I didn't borrow your stupid cap - go look for it yourself).
Kadang suka kesel juga ama orang2 yang STUPID, trus marah-marah & nyalahin orang laen karena kebodohannya itu. Mbok Iya kalo ngga ngerti itu nanya, jangan marah2...
Gw sih ga bilang gw pinter, tapi gw bakal nanya kalo ngga ngerti.